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Help required for sample please

Posted: 04 Aug 2015, 17:58
by john_nick

I have a section of a track of car horns etc that I want to make into sample. I have tried a few times using Sample editor but the result I get is high pitched and not like the original wav sound.

I would be most grateful if anyone could help me with this or indicate where I am going wrong


Re: Help required for sample please

Posted: 04 Aug 2015, 18:44
by john_nick
Aaargh !! Used Sample Editor to Generate and download and it has cleared out all my samples in Nord Sample Bank and just left me with the one I generated. Anyway of recovering all my other samples ?

Re: Help required for sample please

Posted: 04 Aug 2015, 19:17
by Leo Castro
No. Downlading again.

Re: Help required for sample please

Posted: 04 Aug 2015, 19:22
by Leo Castro
john_nick wrote:HI

I have a section of a track of car horns etc that I want to make into sample. I have tried a few times using Sample editor but the result I get is high pitched and not like the original wav sound.

I would be most grateful if anyone could help me with this or indicate where I am going wrong

Try this (C2 is your sample)

Re: Help required for sample please

Posted: 04 Aug 2015, 20:11
by john_nick

Many thanks, works fine. Mine was running at double speed and high pitch.

Re: Help required for sample please

Posted: 04 Aug 2015, 20:36
by john_nick
I did a complete backup of all my samples/patches etc a couple of months ago, will Sound Manager allow me to just select the Samples I need to restore or will it restore everything, and thereby I lose programmes I have created since last backup

Re: Help required for sample please

Posted: 04 Aug 2015, 20:59
by john_nick
Panic Over. For some reason Sound Manager was not showing the Samples on my Nord, just an empty partition. When I started downloading samples from my hard drive they all appeared again !! How weird is that. Just need to reassign the sample positions on my programmes now, not too bad a job.

Re: Help required for sample please

Posted: 05 Aug 2015, 05:31
by pablomastodon
Hi John_Nick,

When working on your first custom sample in Nord Sample Editor it is not necessary to name the sample -- the software will happily give it a name for you: Untitled. However, PLEASE NOTE that when working on your second custom sample in NSE you MUST save it with a unique name before clicking the Generate/Download button. Failure to do this will cause NSE to use the same name, Untitled. When this loads to the instrument it will OVERWRITE the previous untitled custom sample you created, obliterating it forever.



Re: Help required for sample please

Posted: 05 Aug 2015, 19:24
by john_nick
Appreciate your comments and help. The glitch I suffered was that whatever happened when I clicked the Generate Download wiped out ALL of the samples in the Nord. Or so it appeared. For some reason, when I generated and downloaded a further sample, all the original samples popped back in to view. It may be a bug in Sound Manager ?

Re: Help required for sample please

Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 08:25
by pablomastodon
Hi John_Nick,

I understood that your situation was slightly/radically different, but since there are many people (?I think?) reading these threads and since they will be here for unknown years, I thought that it was a good opportunity to point out something which may not at first be obvious to newbie Nordys.

The situation you reported is admittedly weird, but has never been previously reported in Canada/USA (which I know because I get those reports), and I am not aware that it has been reported anywhere else on the planet (our friends in Sweden usually share such things with me). Since, as you say, "or so it appeared" on a very short-term, temporary basis and since they seemingly reappeared without any reloading operation, I am inclined to chalk that up to a momentary computer screen refresh glitch or some such thing. If there were a bug in Nord Sound Manager, there would be more reports. Plus, I don't guess you were using Nord Sound Manager at the time. No doubt it was Nord Sample Editor. Admittedly, that program does not see the volume of use that NSM does, but still there are a great many people using that program around the globe, and it is likely that almost all NSE sessions will necessarily include at least one GENERATE operation before closing. The current version was released over three months ago. If there was a bug involving that, it would not have gone so long unnoticed.

Of course, if you experience this again, and certainly if you can reliably reproduce this weird behavior, then there is something to be looked at, but if I were in your shoes I would shrug it off as an anomaly -- and keep a watchful eye out!

