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C1 noisy keys

Posted: 27 Nov 2013, 00:46
by wkrbee
Hello all.I just purchased a used C1 and noticed the keys are very noisy-clicking when played.This is a acoustic noise, not in the audio output.My well used Electro 2 73 does not have this noise.Is this something that can be fixed? It's annoying.

Re: C1 noisy keys

Posted: 29 Nov 2013, 11:32
by tacitus
I haven't taken a Nord keyboard apart so I don't know exactly how they damp the physical sound of the keys hitting the ends of their travel. If they're all noisy, you might have a misplaced pad somewhere, or it may simply be that the C1 keyboard isn't as quiet as some others. Hard to say, but if you take the lid off you might notice something amiss, and if you don't, take some pictures and see if anybody here can see what's wrong.

If it's just the keyboard design, you might be able to add your own padding somewhere, but it's going to be easier to grin and bear it and if you turn the volume up a bit ...

Re: C1 noisy keys

Posted: 29 Nov 2013, 15:09
by tacitus
Just while I have my C2D out - the keys on it are noisier than the keys on my Yamaha cheapo midi keyboard, the only other one I have to hand. My Roland piano has some key noise but that's piano action so you'd expect a bit (my real piano is quite noisy but it is 80 years old next year!). So your C1 key noise may be just what you get anyway - I imagine there wouldn't b e a lot of difference between C1, C2 and C2D keybeds.

I think you'll probably just have to play louder.

Re: C1 noisy keys

Posted: 29 Nov 2013, 19:45
by bboyjamin
Agree - also I find to fully appreciate the tone of the instrument, it needs to be louder than the sound of your hands on the keys. Either that or I'm losing my hearing.

Re: C1 noisy keys

Posted: 30 Nov 2013, 01:58
by wkrbee
From the answers I'm getting,it sounds like it's normal.Maybe it has to do with the different manufacturers for 61 note keyboard vs.the 73 note keyboard? As I said there is a complete difference in the acoustic noise generated and the touch.The Electro 2 73 feels like my A-100,the keyboard on the C1 feels and sounds like my Howard combo organ from high school,(which I still have).

Re: C1 noisy keys

Posted: 30 Nov 2013, 03:33
by mjbrands
If you press your hand firmly up against the metal bottom of the C1 and play with the other hand, does the amount of noise go down significantly? If so, you could try damping the bottom so it does not transmit the sound of the keys bottoming out (this helped on my Stage 2 SW73). You could stick some bitumen mats to the bottom of the case (on the inside), but those are a bit smelly (it is pretty much a form of tar).

What would probably also work is putting like some folded up bed sheets (clean, preferably :mrgreen: ) on a flat surface and sit your C1 on that, so it does not rest on its rubber feet. Because of the large surface it sits on, the amount of noise transmitted should be quite a bit lower. Make sure you don't cover up any vents though; if there are vents, they are there for a reason and should never be covered up, because you risk damaging your instrument or perhaps even setting your house on fire.

Re: C1 noisy keys

Posted: 03 Dec 2013, 12:40
by andi85
Just crank the Leslie up. The C1 is hell of a noisy instrument.