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searching for Expresso & Tschianti - Josh

Posted: 26 Apr 2024, 21:35
by Wiesel84
Dear sound experts

after visiting this Forum for years and using many of the helpful threads, I finally have a new request.

Our band want's to play the song Expresso & Tschianti (video below) and I am trying to find some similar sound on my nord stage 3.
In the song there are 2 different sounds. The single-note sounds work fine with a Metallophone sample.
But I have absolutely no clue how to create the basic chords (the first sound in the video that can be heared after the drums). There seems to be some echo in it. So I tried some digital keyboard with layers, combined with Wa-Wa effect or delays. But nothing came even close to the original sound.

Any help is highly appriciated.

Best Regards

Re: searching for Expresso & Tschianti - Josh

Posted: 27 Apr 2024, 15:41
by analogika
From a very quick listen on iPhone speaker in a crowded tour bus:
That’s a Hammond. Probably all drawbars on 0, maybe a few pulled a bit or so. Third percussion normal, slow. Leslie on fast. Lots of reverb.