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Store Program Patches independently in Performance Mode

Posted: 09 Aug 2023, 12:16
by alexriedel
I own a Nord Lead A1 but I guess the question refers to many other Nord models.

Being in performance mode and using a 2-layered sound, I want to make changes to one of the single patches without changing the patch globally.
E.g. If i have a bank A1 in performance mode using the patch 1.1. and I make changes to 1.1. in A1, 1.1. is also used in performance A2 and is now also changed.

Is there a way to make these changes to a patch only for the current performance program?


Re: Store Program Patches independently in Performance Mode

Posted: 09 Aug 2023, 14:05
by 23skidoo
I don't have an A1 anymore, so I don't remember it's particular vagaries, but on my Lead 3 and I believe most of the other Leads (could be wrong, I haven't owned all of them) the slots in each performance are independent of the programs and the other performances. If that's not the case on the A1, then I suggest you simply save that slot's sound to another location that's not common between those programs, so that A1 has now perhaps slot 6.3, and A2 retains 1.1.