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Controlling Midi CC globally

Posted: 10 Sep 2022, 16:30
by Matlamar
Hi there! I am experimenting with sending midi CC messages to the nord drum.
My aim is to be able to change the Nord Drum's sounds live by using some knobs (sending CC's), in order to make variations live while a sequence is running(and without having to move through nord Drum's menus.

I managed to control some parameters but I have to approach this by using different Midi channels. For example if I want to modify the kick through CC's I can, but I need an individual midi track on the same midi channel of the kick and send cc's to that, and each sounds needs to be controlled in such a way.

I wondered if there was a way of controlling the parameters globally, I try by using only global channel 10. It works but the cc's only affect the sound I am selecting with focus arrow.
I am sending cc's through ableton.
Would there be a way to control the cc's of all sound in a more handy way?
For example tell a particular cc to go only to a certain midi channel(hence sound) without the need of a dedicated individual midi track?
Would it be possible to control the cc's of all sounds or channel with one knob, for example delay amount on every sound and not having to change it on all the different channels?

hope I am being clear enough, if you don't get, I'll try to explain my self again!:)

Thank you in adavanced

Re: Controlling Midi CC globally

Posted: 10 Sep 2022, 22:00
by wartaler
Hi Matlamar,

As you say; when sending CCs on the Global MIDI channel, you have to choose which drum channel you want to control with the channel selection buttons. If I'm not mistaken CC 70 actually controls the channel selection, so perhaps you could use that to switch the focus in the course of the track. I agree that would be quite limiting still..

So, if your DAW doesn't allow to set the output MIDI channel per CC controller within the same track (I doubt if there is any DAW that is that flexible) then indeed you'll have to create a separate MIDI track for each drum sound you want to control. That makes 7 tracks in total, I agree, not ideal..

However, perhaps you can use a MIDI processing tool/plugin to transform CC messages coming from your main drum track and distribute them to different drum channels. You'd start by picking your own CC numbers to use in the drum track, and with the tool/plugin transform them to the desired CC numbers and send them to the desired Individual MIDI channels of the 3p. For example: convert CC1 messages from MIDI channel 10 (drum track) to CC7 (controls channel level) on MIDI channel 1, convert CC2 on MIDI channel 10 to CC7 on MIDI channel 2, etc. etc.

In this way CC1 in your drum track will control channel level of drum channel 1 of your 3p, CC2 will control channel level of drum channel 2, etc. You'll have to make a selection of parameters that you want to control, because there are only 128 CCs available in MIDI, and in this setup you're potentially using 6 CCs for each parameter that you want to control... Possibly quite a bit of work to map and configure everything, but I think it is possible..

Hope this helps,

Re: Controlling Midi CC globally

Posted: 14 Sep 2022, 09:34
by Matlamar
Great Thank you for your answer, that’s helpful:)