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Brian ENO/Jon Hopkins/Coldplayesk

Posted: 05 Feb 2012, 00:13
by woody450
Hey Guys,

Really wanting to build some Jon Hopkins and Eno'esk ambient and atmosheric synths any advice on how's best to do this?

i suppose it's something like this i'm going for

cant really get anywhere close and it's driving me nuts

Thanks for your help

Re: Brian ENO/Jon Hopkins/Coldplayesk

Posted: 06 Feb 2012, 01:53
by titanium
I tried and also failed.My
Ideas that the synth would need full reverb,used the EQ and some ringmod sounded pretty good.However it only creates that spaceyness but not the specific sound in coldplays song.Part of the reason is that I do not know what oscilator to use.I will have to pass this job to another who plays with ambient synths.What osscilator does the synth like in coldplays video use?