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Better 'LEVELS' by Avicii sample split

Posted: 12 Jul 2021, 10:49
Hi agin folks, I wasn't happy with the previous sample as it was too hard to play! For the lower chords I now added the 5th harmony so you can do the left hand with one finger per chord.

Also I raised volume of strings at bottom of keyboard. Lastly I added some EQ to the actual sample.

This is the version I'll use for my gig. Enjoy!

Re: Better 'LEVELS' by Avicii sample split

Posted: 06 Sep 2021, 13:55
The funny thing was, the band leader decided to change the key down a tone. So it messed things up! I played it on a random 'trance' pad in the end. That's what happens when you do wedding bands who never rehearse.....

Re: Better 'LEVELS' by Avicii sample split

Posted: 06 Sep 2021, 14:47
by WannitBBBad
ACCORDIONMAN wrote:The funny thing was, the band leader decided to change the key down a tone. So it messed things up! I played it on a random 'trance' pad in the end. That's what happens when you do wedding bands who never rehearse.....
Haha, been there!