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NS3 backup and restore time

Posted: 23 Aug 2017, 00:59
by samuele74
I apologize in advance if It has been asked before... I've not found a direct answer...

But there are some experience about real time needed for complete backup/restore for the new Stage 3?

This evening I've made a full backup of my Ns2 Memory and for about 1gb It took about 35/40 minutes.

I Hope the new Stage, with 4x Memory, won't Need 4x time...


Re: NS3 backup and restore time

Posted: 23 Aug 2017, 19:27
by DJKeys
It seems that the larger the memory space, the longer it would take. I make periodic full backups, but I don't change my samples that often so most of the time after a programming session I will just back up the entire bank of programs (not a bundle). Just do a select all and Upload to my computer. Takes seconds.


Re: NS3 backup and restore time

Posted: 23 Aug 2017, 19:51
by maxpiano
Nord Sound Manager - Update History
v7.02 (2017-07-04)
  • Added support for Nord Stage 3
  • Added File Cache feature (only supported by Nord Stage 3 currently) which greatly improves performance for Upload and Backup operations.
  • Fixed bug where downloading many files at once, could cause problems on Mac
  • Various bug fixes and stability improvements

How great the improvement is, only owners can try and tell ;)

Re: NS3 backup and restore time

Posted: 23 Aug 2017, 22:04
by Bio Floyd
I just did a complete backup from the NS3 to a Windows PC - took about 1 hour (USB 2.0).

Re: NS3 backup and restore time

Posted: 25 Aug 2017, 09:29
by samuele74
Thanks @DJKeys, your idea is REALLY a good one, I've never thought about saving ONLY bank vithout samples... I also tend to use ALWAYS the same set of sample so... it's a good time saver.
Thanks @MaxPiano: the new Nord Sound manager seem really promising: I've not installed because for my NS2 I've found no new feature but, I'll give it a try.
Thanks @BioFloyd: 1h for 4x the piano memory mean that SOME IMPROVEMENT has REALLY been made, good to ear, I understand Eproms are not RAM/SSD and I can accept long write time for their reliability... Improved backup time is a good thing, I was hoping something could be done for reading and probably it has been done... 1h is near to acceptable, 4h would not be (almost for me...) so an upgrade to NS3 is not excluded...

Re: NS3 backup and restore time

Posted: 25 Aug 2017, 20:27
by Spider
DJKeys wrote:... I don't change my samples that often so most of the time after a programming session I will just back up the entire bank of programs (not a bundle)...

The trick is not to create a new bundle/backup every time, but to overwrite the old one. In this way, NSM checks for already saved samples and only updates the missing ones.
So, if your pianos/samples didn't change, even a bundle can take few minutes.

Re: NS3 backup and restore time

Posted: 03 Sep 2017, 00:19
by Bio Floyd
As it's not possible to exchange any samples on the NS3 to date due to lack of an improved Sound Manager Software, I discovered a pleasant behavior when I did another complete backup today: Without beeing able to apply any changes to the sample library, the upload time to my PC just took about 1:30 minutes, making use of a cache backup for both piano and sample library. Saves a lot of time.

Used Sound Manager version was v7.02 - I guess it'll work with the new v7.06, too.