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downloaded sounds do not sound like demos

Posted: 11 Jan 2017, 03:32
by Rainier

So I downloaded the clavinet 6. It sounds truly awful. Why does it not download the demo files. Is the user supposed to figure out how to modify the sounds. If so that is ridiculous.


Re: downloaded sounds do not sound like demos

Posted: 11 Jan 2017, 19:54
by Mr_-G-
Please post a recording for others to give an opinion. There could be something odd in your set-up (e.g. did you initialise the piano section?).

Re: downloaded sounds do not sound like demos

Posted: 19 Jan 2017, 15:33
by NordPH
So you downloaded something that i already in the machine by default?

I think the architecture of the Nords actually demands more of the users than other keyboards, also making them more rewarding to use in my opinion.

The demos are only examples of what can be done with the sample on your machine.
Try to use the different settings of the clavinet combined with amp simulators and effects.
This is from the manual, and might help you:

On the original Clavinet D6, you selected different pick-up combinations
by pressing a number of rocker switches. This functionality is
faithfully simulated in the Nord Stage 2, which means that you get all
the original Clavinet D6 pickup selections by pressing the Model button
when the Clavinet is the selected Type

Pick-up Type Description
Clav Model A: Only the “neck” pick-up; a warmer, less bright sound.
Clav Model B: Only the “bridge” pick-up; a bright sound.
Clav Model C: Both pick-ups on and in phase; a very full sound.
Clav Model D: Both pick-ups 180 degrees out of phase; the fundamental
is almost cancelled out and the sound becomes thin.

Clav EQ
An original Clavinet is equipped with 4 additional
rocker switches, which controls the onboard EQ.
These settings are available on the Nord Stage 2.
Use the Slot Detune / Clav EQ button to set your
preferred combination of the original Brilliant/Treble
and Medium/Soft filter buttons.
M The Med/Soft setting are access by holding Shift and pressing the
Slot Detune/Clav EQ button.