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Piano/organ/string sounds

Posted: 05 Dec 2015, 16:50
by asandel
I have NE5HP and Im thinking about getting into the realm of a synth… Very new to all that in synth .. beside all the modern sounds of the A1… can it reproduce a good enough piano, ep, organ, strings sounds just in case I need them …Example… just bringing the A1 to a rehearsal or small venue..

Re: Piano/organ/string sounds

Posted: 05 Dec 2015, 17:59
by Mr_-G-
Organs and "synthetic" strings are more than fine with the A1, but acoustic pianos are more difficult to reproduce convincingly using subtractive synthesis because the piano sound is quite complex. Even if you end up with a 'convincing' tone, it is unlikely to have the dynamics of a dedicated sampled piano or a modelled one. So while the NL are all great synths, I would not buy an A1 to replace a piano. It is not the right tool for the job.
Also note that the A1 keyboard is slightly shorter than the standard size, it is non-weighted and the vertical travel is relatively short. Some people like this in a synth but perhaps you should try it before buying.

Re: Piano/organ/string sounds

Posted: 06 Dec 2015, 02:44
by asandel
Thanks.. Mr G