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Re: Nord Drum 3 and 3P

Posted: 26 Jun 2016, 15:18
by Beardy jack
Still no return of the ND3 on the Nord site, no further audio either...
Mysterious, some of the prices I've seen for the ND3P are science fiction. Phone numbers, even pre-release they are ridiculously high.

Any ideas anyone?

Re: Nord Drum 3 and 3P

Posted: 30 Jun 2016, 22:27
by cgouldin
What are the prices you're seeing where you're from?

So the 3P just got a software update... Which is odd. I'm still expecting for this to be released in August.

Re: Nord Drum 3 and 3P

Posted: 30 Jun 2016, 22:52
by mnmlst
lol, weird. Hey, I'll take any movement I can get! They've been dead silent for months.

Re: Nord Drum 3 and 3P

Posted: 05 Jul 2016, 21:17
by mnmlst
Clavia posted a picture on Facebook of the ND3P box and said units will be shipping shortly! Also a 2 min audio demo was posted to the ND3P page on their website. That reverb sounds tasty!

Re: Nord Drum 3 and 3P

Posted: 21 Jul 2016, 19:14
by mnmlst
Just got a call from my retailer... ND3P arrived early and my preordered unit will be shipping today!

Re: Nord Drum 3 and 3P

Posted: 28 Jul 2016, 16:59
by mnmlst
Received my 3P last night. Sounds great... The reverb sounds wonderful and being able to put a kit into a space really brings it alive and makes it feel like a more self contained instrument. Also love that you can load and save indovidual drum sounds ... I had a customized kit put together in seconds. Also the soft buttons are a relief to my ears; no more clunk clunk sounds constantly. So far, quite happy!

Re: Nord Drum 3 and 3P

Posted: 28 Jul 2016, 17:02
by mnmlst
Oh I did notice that there are only 4x50 kit banks. They all come preloaded so if you want to save your own you'll have to overwrite them. There are tons of open single sound slots though... So I'll probably go through the presets and save hits I like, and then delete all the kits for my own use.

Re: Nord Drum 3 and 3P

Posted: 28 Jul 2016, 17:46
by wartaler
Hey, congrats with your 3P!
nice way to assemble your kits like that, i like that feature!

Re: Nord Drum 3 and 3P

Posted: 28 Jul 2016, 20:57
by skintechnician
Congrats on the 3P!! You are obliged to post demos :)

Re: Nord Drum 3 and 3P

Posted: 29 Jul 2016, 02:57
by mwahlquist
Hello all! Worship drummer from Va, USA here... Just got the ND3p a few days ago. I'm a huge fan with lots to learn. Glad i found this place and nice to see i wasnt going crazy... All 200 preloaded kits means i do have to delete something to save my own!
Here's a quick sample i did for a worship drummer community. Be easy, this was day 2!