Sound für Helene Fischer - Atemlos

Share your complete Nord Stage 2 programs/patches including sample sets (nsmp files) used, including mp3 previews.
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Re: Sound für Helene Fischer - Atemlos

Post by WannitBBBad »

Hello, from the April 27, 2021 post by Gyauhm above, you will need both samples (you might already have Orchstrings), my program "HF Atemlos 2 W.ns3f", and a no-arp version of the first program "Atemlos2HFischer.ns3f" or "Atemlos2HFisch1W.ns3f" (the text above describes the modifications I made). Take care.
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Re: Sound für Helene Fischer - Atemlos

Post by matje »

Thanks. Yes it was clear I have to use the programs with the W (and in my case the no arp version)

Then there are 3 samples: Pad, Strings and Steeldrum. You have to relink the samples to the correct program and to the correct panel. Which sample has to be linked to which program and to which panel?
WannitBBBad wrote:Hello, from the April 27, 2021 post by Gyauhm above, you will need both samples (you might already have Orchstrings), my program "HF Atemlos 2 W.ns3f", and a no-arp version of the first program "Atemlos2HFischer.ns3f" or "Atemlos2HFisch1W.ns3f" (the text above describes the modifications I made). Take care.
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Re: Sound für Helene Fischer - Atemlos

Post by WannitBBBad »

matje wrote:..Then there are 3 samples: Pad, Strings and Steeldrum. You have to relink the samples to the correct program and to the correct panel. Which sample has to be linked to which program..
The steel drum is used in the program "HF Atemlos 2 W.ns3f", the other two are used in "Atemlos2HFisch1W.ns3f" I believe. Take care.
Nord Stage 4 | Nord Stage 3 | SC Prophet T8 | Korg X50... In the past: Nord Stage EX, 2, 2EX | SC Prophet 5, 10 | MiniMoog | Hammond B3 & 122 Leslie | Yamaha DX7IIFD, EX5, CP60 | Hohner D6 | Fender Rhodes | Roland S-50, D-50, XP-50...
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Re: Sound für Helene Fischer - Atemlos

Post by mr_beam »

Hi everybody,

I have an NS3, I am not familar with installing new sounds (usually very happy what is there), but now have to help out with a band that plays Atemlos.

Can anybody give me a quick tip, how to quickly put together a sound (from the installed samples / Synth) that is close to the Atemlos-intro? I already tried several things, but not too successfully, although it doesn't sound like rocket science...

However, it is about different version from the one discussed above:

Sounds a bit like a Synth Bass...

Thanks in advance!
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