New Nord Organ 3 incoming

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Re: New Nord Organ 3 incoming

Post by willycliffton »

Farfisameister wrote: 15 Jan 2025, 19:31 Was hoping Nord would have had the sense to add other sounds to their new organ. Could they not have added electric piano, acoustic piano, and ensemble voices even in a limited capacity? That's what Hammond did with the SKX pro, except the sound categories aren't limited, and it's awesome. I have a Nord C2 and an SKX pro and those other sounds in the latter really come in handy. And the cost is exactly the same as this new organ from Nord. There are several good dual manual b3 clones available now with really good Leslie sims on board. Hard to get too excited about this new one from Nord.
100% agree. while i'd admit the nord piano/EPs are far better than the hammond ones, just having the functionality of the other sounds on my SKX pro is a huge bonus and extremely useful for the gigs I'm doing. The synth engine is far better than Nord's as well. Unless they are planning on implementing these "upgrades" to the organ engine on a NE7 (highly doubt they'd do us the favor of putting them into firmware updates on older models) this keyboard won't hold a candle to the hammond IMO
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Re: New Nord Organ 3 incoming

Post by Melodious Thunk »

Happy to see Nord come out with a new organ. I have CD2 that I haven’t used in ages. I upgraded to a XK-5 and then to a Viscount Legend Soul. The latter two sound much better than the Nord and also have better feeling keybeds. I really hope that Nord has updated these for this release. I really liked the compactness of the Nord, but it has just been blown out of the water by newer and better clones. My fingers are crossed that the Organ 3 will be competitive in sound and feel.
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Re: New Nord Organ 3 incoming

Post by SuperStage »

I just spent :30 with the Nord Organ 3 at NAMM and the B3 model and rotary speaker emulation is greatly improved and is significantly better than the NS4 or NE6 and they added an option for 1' drawbar percussion cancel. I spoke with a Nord product specialist and asked if the new organ model and amp sim would be available as a software update to the NS4 or NE6 and was told "No, I do not believe that the existing architecture will support it" :-(. I hope this wrong so I can stop using a Neo Vent with my NS4. I've attached some photos including 9 pages of sound menu options. I then went and played the latest Viscount, Hammond, Yamaha and the new Roland V-Stage and to my ears, The Nord Organ 3 is the best sounding B3 clone on the market.
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Re: New Nord Organ 3 incoming

Post by coolbreeze »

People at NAMM 2025 are test driving it and posting in YouTube.
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Re: New Nord Organ 3 incoming

Post by coolbreeze »

Now would a great time to sell your Nord C2D.
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