Dua Lipa "Levitating" Sample

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Dua Lipa "Levitating" Sample

Post by WannitBBBad »

This is from a request posted in the Stage 3 Forum. Starting from a Stage 3 program by Kaffimusic with a voice sample and then adding the "slide up" effect with the second synth, I sampled the program to make a second program that uses the sample for the first synth and adds strings for the second synth with B3. The Stage 3 programs are posted at LINK--> nord-stage-3-programs-ns3p-ns3pb-files- ... ml#p140667 Below is the NSMP file and a short example of the second program using the sample file and then adding the strings/B3. I hope some of you are able to use this - nice song. Take care. UPDATE: Below is a new sample "DL Levitating2 W.nsmp" with the full intro chords from the original song applied to F F# G and strings added above the middle E. The MP3 covers the intro chords and B3 added to the strings. I've attached the WAV of the three chords if you want to make your own Sample as well.
DL Song Sample.wav
WAV file of Intro chords for Dua Lipa Levitating
(512.04 KiB) Downloaded 1691 times
DL Levitating2 W.nsmp
NSMP file version 2 for "Levitating" by Dua Lipa with one-finger intro chords
(3.61 MiB) Downloaded 1697 times
DL Levitating - one-finger chords.mp3
MP3 example of NSMP file version 2 with one-finger intro chords and adding B3 to right-hand strings
(760.61 KiB) Downloaded 2609 times
DL Leviating W.nsmp
NSMP file for "Levitating" by Dua Lipa created from Stage 3 program
(4.96 MiB) Downloaded 1660 times
DL Levitating W Example.mp3
Example of "DL Levitating W.NSMP" sample
(788.23 KiB) Downloaded 2685 times
Last edited by WannitBBBad on 02 Apr 2021, 21:58, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Dua Lipa "Levitating" Sample

Post by imacman »

:thanks: Nice work! Thank you.
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Re: Dua Lipa "Levitating" Sample

Post by Luis Flores »

Thank you!
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Re: Dua Lipa "Levitating" Sample

Post by WannitBBBad »

Sample in NSMP4 format for the Stage 4 and Piano 5 will be edited and reposted. Take care.
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Re: Dua Lipa "Levitating" Sample

Post by OzzJazz »

@wannitBBBad I would love to have the NS4 version of this great sound - can not get the others to work on my NS4. Any chance you could upload them?
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Re: Dua Lipa "Levitating" Sample

Post by WannitBBBad »

OzzJazz wrote: 31 Dec 2024, 16:15 @wannitBBBad I would love to have the NS4 version of this great sound - can not get the others to work on my NS4. Any chance you could upload them?
Here's the NSMP4 version for "Levitating". I would appreciate a "thanks" (thumbs up) by anyone downloading. Happy New Year!

DL Levitating2 W.nsmp4
(4.25 MiB) Downloaded 415 times
DL Levitating - one-finger chords.mp3
(760.61 KiB) Downloaded 1172 times
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Nord Stage 4 | Nord Stage 3 | SC Prophet T8 | Korg X50... In the past: Nord Stage EX, 2, 2EX | SC Prophet 5, 10 | MiniMoog | Hammond B3 & 122 Leslie | Yamaha DX7IIFD, EX5, CP60 | Hohner D6 | Fender Rhodes | Roland S-50, D-50, XP-50...
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