I'm new here, come from France and I apologize for my poor English.
I have a project to buy a Nord keyboard for my 50th birthday (next year).
Most probably a Piano 5 but not totally sure of that.
It's just for plaisure at home, I have no intention to go gigging or so

I'm growing interest on synths but I have no idea if this interest will last long enough to justify the investment on a powerful keyboard with many synths functions.
I have experienced VST connected to my Yamaha digital piano, but this is really not a good configuration to start and learn the basics.
For that I need a keyboard with buttons and switches on it, to experiment and understand efficiently how to use a synth.
Right now I don't know if I will be happy with just sample synth + effects, or if I will really want something with synthesys features.
In the first case, sure the Piano 5 will makes me happy.
In the second case, that means that I should plan to buy either a Stage, or a NP5 + a separate synth.
I was thinking about buying a used synth to discover and decide what I need, but for that I am completely lost in the amount of existing material ...
First I was thinking about a used Nord Lead, to get familiar to what I could have if I finally buy a Stage, but I understood that the Lead does not have sample library, which means I could not compare the use of samples+effects vs synthesis.
Maybe the Wave could do the job, but it's way to expensive just for a few months test ...
In the end, I would just say "help, what should I do ... !"