Fender Tone Master FR-10 with Piano 5/Electro 5D?

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Fender Tone Master FR-10 with Piano 5/Electro 5D?

Post by sfgelectro61 »

I'm looking for a relatively lightweight amp that I can bring to jam sessions or small gigs. I recently had a chance to play through a new Fender Tone Master FR-12 and with a little EQ (mostly dialing back the bass) I liked the sound -- this was in a small studio setting though and I'm wondering if anybody out there has experience using these amps (I have my eye on the FR-10 as it weighs less). Thanks.
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Re: Fender Tone Master FR-10 with Piano 5/Electro 5D?

Post by DJKeys »

You would probably be happier with an Alto TS-408, half the price, better overall sound for piano, and 6 pounds lighter-


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Re: Fender Tone Master FR-10 with Piano 5/Electro 5D?

Post by roundaboutmusic »

sfgelectro61 wrote: 29 Jul 2024, 17:27 I'm looking for a relatively lightweight amp that I can bring to jam sessions or small gigs. I recently had a chance to play through a new Fender Tone Master FR-12 and with a little EQ (mostly dialing back the bass) I liked the sound -- this was in a small studio setting though and I'm wondering if anybody out there has experience using these amps (I have my eye on the FR-10 as it weighs less). Thanks.
I'm interested in an FR-12/10 too, particularly as a keys/guitar player. I can see myself A/Bing into it with amp simulator pedal in front for guitar.
I also like the fact that it looks like an amp and not a PA speaker.

Did you find the acoustic piano sounds acceptable through it?
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Re: Fender Tone Master FR-10 with Piano 5/Electro 5D?

Post by Schorsch »

What’s the main sound you are playing - acoustic pianos or e-pianos? If your primary focus is on acoustic pianos you won’t probably be very satisfied with such a kind of amp since the Nord Pianos are stereo and do not sound very well when playing in mono
Regards Schorsch

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Re: Fender Tone Master FR-10 with Piano 5/Electro 5D?

Post by cphollis »

If it's all about the acoustic pianos, they are notoriously difficult to make sound good through most instrument amplifiers.

However, get the APs sounding great and the rest sounds awesome as well.
I think I have gear issues ....
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Re: Fender Tone Master FR-10 with Piano 5/Electro 5D?

Post by JayDee »

I have A Tonemaster Deluxe I mainly use for my guitars. 22 lbs so it is very light. Doesn't sound as good as my Yamaha powered speakers for my Nord Electro, but it is acceptable for non critical gigs. If you play both guitar/keys it is an acceptable compromise in my opinion
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Re: Fender Tone Master FR-10 with Piano 5/Electro 5D?

Post by harmonizer »

I am happy with the sound of the White Grand AP (from my Stage 3) into a single Alto TS-408.
I had previously heard that the White Grand AP sound worked pretty well with a single speaker, so when I finally got a Stage 3 that was capable of using the White Grand, I did not spend much time trying the other AP sounds (I am committed to mono / single-speaker mode in our covers band's setup).
As Schorsch noted, many of the Nord AP sounds do not work will except when using stereo with a pair of speakers.
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