Looking for Nord Modular G2 LCD replacement

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Looking for Nord Modular G2 LCD replacement

Post by commodore »

I'm sure this is a long shot as I've found very little information so far. But I'm looking for a G2 LCD replacement. LCD or even better OLED.

My main LCD has a missing line of pixels and the backlights on it are dim. If there is a suitable replacement I'd consider replacing all the LCDs (5 in total).

Does anyone know anything in relation to dimensions, or connection type? Anything else that could be useful in finding a retro-fit replacement?

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Re: Looking for Nord Modular G2 LCD replacement

Post by commodore »

BTW - Measuring the viewing area from above, it looks to be 2 inches x .5 inch (50.8mm x 12.7mm) - probably give or take a few mm
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Re: Looking for Nord Modular G2 LCD replacement

Post by mjudge55 »

commodore wrote:I'm sure this is a long shot as I've found very little information so far. But I'm looking for a G2 LCD replacement. LCD or even better OLED.

My main LCD has a missing line of pixels and the backlights on it are dim. If there is a suitable replacement I'd consider replacing all the LCDs (5 in total).

Does anyone know anything in relation to dimensions, or connection type? Anything else that could be useful in finding a retro-fit replacement?

Hey there, had any luck? I have a G2 with one display going bad and I've been searching for a replacement for quite a while now. Best clue I could find was this: https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/ ... qUaBj9x1n0

I contacted the person who I believe was making these on Reverb to see if they would consider another run but got no response.

I also check this Facebook group from time to time to see if anyone's found a solution: https://www.facebook.com/groups/music.g ... retrofits/. I suppose I should be more ambitious and post a bunch of pix and measurements but I'm not sure what I'm doing plus life is busy.
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Your Nord Gear #1: Nord Modular

Re: Looking for Nord Modular G2 LCD replacement

Post by commodore »

mjudge55 wrote:
Hey there, had any luck? I have a G2 with one display going bad and I've been searching for a replacement for quite a while now. Best clue I could find was this: https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/ ... qUaBj9x1n0

I also check this Facebook group from time to time to see if anyone's found a solution: https://www.facebook.com/groups/music.g ... retrofits/. I suppose I should be more ambitious and post a bunch of pix and measurements but I'm not sure what I'm doing plus life is busy.
Nothing yet, unfortunately. :(
I too reached out to someone on reverb making custom oled displays and he said he’d check, but then never heard anything back. Interesting link! Thanks for sharing. So it looks like it can be done, with some modification to the bezel. Kinda crazy, but if it works, that would be awesome if someone made them. Too bad I can’t seem to find out who sold that listing.

I’ll post back if I find anything. Please do the same. Thanks!
Last edited by commodore on 09 Apr 2024, 13:54, edited 1 time in total.
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