Nord Stage C/EX Patch Editor RC2

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A first version of a Patch Editor for the Nord Stage Classic and EX.
Based on the great freeware tool Ctrl (
You need to download the free software there!

Feel free to add new versions if you like!

Here is the corresponding thread: nord-stage-forum-f3/a-patch-editor-for-the-nord-stage-based-on-ctrlr-t1580.html#p8381

Version history:
v6: Organ now with full LEDs (click on the LEDs to toggle!) and selectors. You need to click on the LEDs rather the switches since otherwise it would be much mor complex.
RC1: All CCs are now implemented!!! ;-)


This download was added on 20 Oct 2011, 17:44 by Johannes and last edited on 07 Apr 2015, 10:16 by Johannes • Last download 12 Nov 2024, 09:22


Hi, I really appreciate your work on this editor because I have been searching for a way to edit my classic Nord Stage and save changes/patches in Ableton. I've tried out your panel in both Ctrlr standalone and VST in Ableton 11, and they both work. However, I notice that none of the buttons have been implemented. Would you mind shedding some light on why it might be more difficult to program the Nord's buttons?


Many many MANY THANKS for this!!! :clap:

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Nord Stage Classic EX Patch Editor RC2.bpanelz [md5] ceff768ed2c2df32325b320c95542146
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