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replaced keybed. Now there is no sound

Posted: 30 Apr 2024, 19:28
by hutchy65411
Hey everyone. I am new here. I am trying to help my keyboard player figure out a problem. This whole thing started when a couple of keys were not triggering. So, he had sent it to a recommended friend. Well, the Nord came back with more keys not triggering and eventually it came up with a storage error code. When we got it back, I helped him take it apart and some of the contacts looked good and some were an opaque white color. As I could not find replacement PCB boards apparently. He would have to buy the whole keybed. Well fast forward he got it in the mail. Looks great. He went to install it. turns it on no error message. all the patches are there. everything is working, except there is no sound. My gut is telling me the signal is not making it to the board from the keybed. I also have a feeling the ribbons might not have been put back on correctly and I can not find a schemetic that verifies were everything goes for sure. Any help would be great. tonight I am going to make sure his firmware is updated and to see if there is a midi signal coming from the keybed.

Re: replaced keybed. Now there is no sound

Posted: 01 May 2024, 19:51
by Gambold
"he had sent it to a recommended friend"

Dude, this sounds like something that required a qualified repair service sanctioned by Clavia. Sometimes the urge to save money by "doin' it yerself" or sending it to a pal ends up costing a whole lot more. Most of the time, usually.

I would cease all work and take it in to an authorized dealer and hope for the best.